We started H in swim lessons. She's a little fish- loves it.
S is even more photogenic then his sister. My Instagram feed is full of this little charmer.
My internships are shaping up for the fall.
James has been working like crazy. A whirlwind summer for him. He gets to go visit his dad and work on the Tahoe cabin later this month. He deserves the break. Love that man.
Lots of Starbucks dates with my sweeties.
Braids for days ( and nights and overnights...).
This one does nothing the "normal" way. He perches on the arm of the sofa.
And loves cheering for his sisters swim lessons.
Cute boy in mamas shades.
I feel overwhelmed by the needs and whines of the kids but going through Instagram shows me they are pretty rad kids. Nice treat :)
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